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There are as many individuals as there are ways to travel the Ways of Santiago. It is a unique experience that allows you to open a parenthesis in your daily life. Pilgrims are encouraged to go beyond their limits, both physical and mental. At the end of this journey, many of them come back changed. This is why some wish to pass on what this pilgrimage to themselves and others has brought them. I share with you in the You Tube videos below what is in my eyes the philosophy of the path.


Good journey :-)

Lionel de Compostelle

idée clé n°1 avancer

"To discover new lands, you must first have the courage to move away from the shore". Andre Gide.

"It is not the purpose of the walk that is important, but the small steps that lead to it". Chinese proverb .

"You never get as far as when you don't know where you're going." Christopher Columbus .

idée clé n°2 croire

"Having faith is like going up the first step when you can't see the whole staircase." Martin Luther King.


"Believe in yourself first and you'll be halfway there.

Then follow your dreams, they know the route by heart. "

Lionel of Compostela .

"Be yourself, the others are already taken". Oscar Wilde.

"and above all become what you believe." Oprah Winfrey .

idée clé n°3 se retrouver

"The greatest traveler is not the one who has been around the world ten times, but the one who has been around himself once." Gandhi.


"Nothing costs man more to follow the path that leads to himself." Herman Hesse.


"The journey to Compostela is the only trip the expense of which will make you richer." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n° 4 rencontrer

"Life will put stones in your path. You decide if you make it a wall or a bridge." Coluche .


"When you walk alone, you will quickly but when we walk two we go further." African proverb .

"The only real journey is not going to new landscapes but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust.

idée clé n° 5 trouver sa voie

"Better to limp on the right road than to run on the wrong road." St. Augustine .


"Walking towards Compostela is the best way to get lost in order to find oneself better." Lionel of Compostela.


"You know you're on the right track when looking back doesn't interest you anymore." Lionel of Compostela .

idée clé n°6 vivre

"As long as you are alive, continue to learn how to live, because it takes your whole life to learn to live". Seneca.


"Do not worry about the end of your life, rather fear that it will never begin". Lionel of Compostela .


"The heaviest burden is to exist without living". Victor Hugo.


"We have two lives, the second begins when we discover that we have only one". Confucius .

idée clé n°7 être heureux

"It is believed that happiness is at the top of the mountain, whereas it lies in the way to climb it". Confucius .

"Happiness is not at the end of the road, it is the way".

Old Tibetan adage .

"You will know the correctness of your path, because it will have made you happy". Aristotle .

idée clé n°8 rêver

"It is not a great misfortune not to reach for the stars, but it is a great misfortune not to have stars in the eyes." Benjamin Mays .

"To be able to reach the stars, you must first walk with your head in the clouds and then aim for the moon." Lionel of Compostela.


"Better to have your eyes fixed on the stars than to walk with your head in the handlebars and end up in the gutter." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°9 marcher

"If you can't think, walk. If you think too much, walk. If you think badly, walk again." Jean Giono .

"until you find the right approach" ...

"When you feel like you can't take one more step, tell yourself that you've only come halfway."

Lionel of Compostela.

"What will save you is to take one step and one more step".

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry .


"the gaze fixed on the horizon, for the true pilgrim does not really intend to arrive." Lionel of Compostela .

idée clé n°10 se contenter

"I asked for all things in order to enjoy life, I received life in order to enjoy all things." Lionel of Compostela.


"Joy is not in things, it is in us."

Richard Wagner .

"Do we need a five-star hotel, when you can sleep under the stars and see five billion in the sky?"

Lionel of Compostela.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

"The camino is a return to the essential". Lionel of Compostela .

"With too much we get lost with less we find ourselves." Chuang Tseu .

idée clé n°11 cheminer

"I am not the way, it is he who pursues me." Jules Verne .


"I do not make the way, it is he who does not make me after step."

Lionel of Compostela.


"The road to Saint Jacques de Compostela is a return to basics, but the essential is within us." Lionel of Compostela .

"To ascend, you must first descend into yourself." Voltaire .

"There is no point in going fast, high and far if you forget on the way to look around and outside yourself." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°12 appendre

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever, for life is an endless path." Gandhi .

"I never lose either I find myself or I learn from my mistakes." Nelson Mandela .

"Life is a parchment whoever does not travel will only decipher a few lines." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°13 se dépasser

"Only those who take the risk of going too far will find out how far we can go." Thomas Stearns Eliot .

"If you think going on an adventure is dangerous, then at least try the routine it is deadly." Paulo Coelho .

"Life isn't just about breathing, it's also about taking your breath away." Alfred Hitchcock .

idée clé n°14 s'aventurer

"One becomes a good walker by dint of light bulbs and one becomes a pilgrim by dint of taking the deviated paths and abandoning the main roads." Lionel of Compostela.

"The most beautiful path is the one that we haven't yet taken. The destination is the path." Lionel of Compostela.

"Do not go where the road may lead, go where there is no road and leave a mark." Ralph Waldo Emerson .


"The true pilgrim does not know where he is going." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°15 affronter

"Our path is not a carpet of soft grass, it is a mountain path strewn with rocks which leads us higher, further." Lionel of Compostela.


"No one can reach dawn without going through the night path." Khalil Gibran .


"If you want to be sure of your way close your eyes and walk in the dark, for out of darkness is born light."

Saint John of the Cross .

idée clé n°16 explorer

"We are all explorers in search of ourselves." Lionel of Compostela.

"To ascend you must first descend into yourself." Voltaire .


"We must be prepared to let go of the life we ​​have imagined along the way in order to live the life that awaits us here and now." Joseph Campbell .


"We sometimes meet our destiny by paths we take to avoid it." Jean de La Fontaine .

idée clé n°17 Tracer

"Life is a bridge crosses it, but don't stop halfway, because there are too many people there." Saint Catherine of Siena.

"Never ask someone who knows your way for directions, because you will run the risk of not getting lost." Nahman from Bratslav.


"The path to normality is a paved road, we walk easily but we leave no trace." Vincent Van Gogh.

idée clé n°18 se libérer

"Walk on the road to Saint James not to escape life but so that life does not escape you." Lionel of Compostela.


"The most beautiful way is to prove to yourself how free you are. There is no happiness without freedom, nor freedom without courage." Lionel of Compostela.


"Along the way, the poor live in the expectation of wealth, the rich in paradise, while the wise only aspire to peace of mind."

Swami Rama

idée clé n°19 chercher

"There is no way to find happiness is the path that is the happiness born under our feet." Lao-Tzu .

"If you don't cultivate happiness along the way how do you want it to grow in you?" Lionel of Compostela.

"Happiness is not sought, we meet it on the way because happiness is the other." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°20 persévérer

On this path length, not your little like the ocean waves will draw strength from their perseverance. Lionel of Compostela.

Our greatest victory is not to never fall on the way, but to get up every time. Nelson Mandela .


When the path becomes difficult, do like the oak tree, which develops deeper roots when a storm comes.

Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°21 Progresser

"On the road to Compostela, I never lose, either I find myself or I learn from my mistakes." Lionel of Compostela.


"You never know your limits, you meet them along the way." Lionel of Compostela.

"The most difficult roads often lead to the most beautiful destinations." Lionel of Compostela.


idée clé n°22 Se dépouiller

"There is no wifi in nature, but there is a better connection." Antoine de Maximy .


"The more you are silent, the better you will hear." Richard Alpert.


"The path to wisdom is to illuminate what is not essential." Lionel of Compostela.

"If no one can reach the path of truth, then become a nobody." Lionel of Compostela.


idée clé n°23 Ralentir

"To take precedence over time is to belong here and now." Lionel of Compostela.


"Walking is not about buying time, it's about wasting it with elegance." David Le Breton.

"When you appreciate the slow pace of the walk, then you will know that you are on the right path." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°24 Se réjouir

"Don't see your glass half full or half empty. Just be glad you can drink the cup of life." Lionel of Compostela.


"Whoever does not take pleasure in climbing the mountain, will not enjoy descending it either." Lionel of Compostela.


"Sometimes the path is worth nothing, but nothing is worth the path. Camino one day, camino forever." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°25 Espérer

"Better to travel with hope than to arrive at your destination." Japanese proverb.

"By attempting the impossible on your path, you will be able to reach the highest level of the possible." Johan August Strindberg.

"Make the dream devour your life so that life does not devour your dream along the way." Antoine de St Exupéry.


"Believing is half of realizing." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°26 se recentrer

"Walk towards the door of change which can only be opened from within, because the essential is within us." Lionel of Compostela.


"Life is a game of the ego. Those who do not walk will not have all the bricks." Lionel of Compostela.

"On the path of life, however high you go, you always end up in ashes." Henry Rochefort

idée clé n°27 s'alléger

"A heavier bag on your shoulders will allow you to lighten up on the way". Lionel of Compostela.


The simple happiness of the pilgrim is sometimes to begin his journey in the rain, then to return under a radiant sun. Lionel of Compostela.

"At the end of the road everything is fine. If it's not, then that means it's not the end." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°28 se planter

"By dint of planting yourself along the way, you will end up growing. So, don't forget to cultivate your secret garden." Lionel of Compostela.

"On your way the best thing that can happen to you is to dwell on what is not essential". Lionel of Compostela.


"Making a success on your way to Compostela is organic: you need heart, mind, luck and above all cold blood." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°29 se lancer

"Following the path that is called later, we come to the place that is called never." Seneca .


"Life does not give us the choice to make it an accident or an adventure." Lionel of Compostela.

"At first you'll be asked why you're doing it, then you'll be asked how you did it." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°30 profiter

"There's no point in living at 100 an hour, you have to live in time before it's too late." Lionel of Compostela.

"On your way, you may well find noon at two o'clock, but that is not why you will be ahead of your time." Lionel of Compostela.

"Hurry up to take the time to live and remember that each day is a life in itself." Seneca .

idée clé n°31 dérouter

  "On your way there is no point in running, if you end up going in the wrong direction." Lionel of Compostela.

"Choose a path you love and you will never have to complain in difficult times." Lionel of Compostela.

"Make your way a detour and you will reach your destination much faster." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°32 faire face

"On your path, it is better to walk alone facing your destiny, than to be pursued by your shadow." Lionel of Compostela.

"On your way, face the sun and you will see that the shadows will disappear behind you." Lionel of Compostela.

"Do without the essential, dwell on what is not essential, try what seems impossible. That's getting started."  Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°33 s'adapter

On your way "there is no point in waiting for the storm to pass. Instead, you have to learn to walk in the rain."Seneca

If you will find no obstacle on the way, then it will surely lead nowhere. Lionel of Compostela.

The steeper the slope, the more difficult the climb, but the better the view from the top.  Jigoro Kano

idée clé n°34 se révéler

"On the way to Compostela do what you are with what you can and not what you can with what you are." Lionel of Compostela.


"Along the way, what's in front of you or behind you doesn't matter compared to what's inside you."  Lionel of Compostela.


"The best thing you can bring back from the Camino de Santiago is yourself."   Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°35 se relâcher

  "Sometimes letting go on the path of life is an even braver act than defending yourself or hanging on." Eckhart Tolle

"The real laziness of the pilgrim is to get up at dawn to have longer to do nothing in the afternoon." Lionel of Compostela.


"The paths to success are like trains, there will always be one to catch up with the other." Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°36 Se tester

On your way, if you only do what you know you are capable of, then you will never accomplish anything great. Lionel of Compostela.


It is in adversity and adventure that one discovers one's true nature, not in ease, nor in Lionel of Compostela.


If you're willing to sacrifice a little freedom for a little security, then you'll end up losing both. Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°37 Eprouver

When on the way you will be subjected to severe test, remember that the oaks often grow stronger thanks to the contrary winds. Lionel of Compostela.


Life's trials should not be thorns in one's foot, but a way of learning to walk with a limp. Lionel of Compostela.

A period of failure is a great time to sow the seeds of success. Paramahansa Yogananda.

idée clé n°38 s'accrocher

On your way, never lose hope, even the most majestic of oaks, was once just a poor acorn. Lionel of Compostela.


No one is luckier than those who believe in their luck. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


On your way, if you're out of breath be the wind; and if you still row be water. Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°39 Partager

On the way to Compostela do not judge the quality of your day's walk by the number of kilometers, but rather by the number of people you meet. Lionel of Compostela.


Happiness is the only thing that doubles if you share it.Albert Schweitzer.


True happiness consists in making others happy. Hindu proverb. 

idée clé n°40 Partager

He who does not know how to be satisfied with little will never be satisfied with anything. Epicurus.


The world will never die for lack of wonder, only for lack of wonder. Gilbert Keith Chesterton.


The path comes by walking and the dream by dreaming. Lionel of Compostela.

idée clé n°41 Aimer

L'esprit a beau faire plus de chemin que le cœur, il ne va jamais aussi loin. Proverbe chinois.


Aimer c'est la moitié d'avancer. Lionel de Compostelle.

Marcher vers Compostelle, c'est d'abord entrer en soi, mais aussi apprendre à regarder plus profondément dans le cœur des autres. Lionel de Compostelle.

A la fin de ton chemin, tu finiras par comprendre que la vraie sagesse est de se trouver heureux comme on est. Lionel de Compostelle.

idée clé n°42 S'attarder

Une demi-heure de méditation est essentielle, sauf quand on est très occupé. Alors une heure est nécessaire. Saint François de Sales


Sur ton chemin si tu es bien attentif, tu verras passer le moment présent, ce qui te remplira de bonheur.  Lionel de Compostelle.


Profiter du chemin, c'est être capable d'apprécier le paysage, même quand on a fait un long détour après s'être perdu. Lionel de Compostelle.

idée clé n°43 Se délester

Le trop de quelque chose est souvent le manque de quelque chose. Proverbe arabe.  


Remplissez ce qui est vide, videz ce qui est plein !!! C'est la philosophie du chemin de Saint-Jacques. Lionel de Compostelle.


Sur le chemin de Compostelle, il te faudra porter deux sacs : l'un pour donner et l'autre pour recevoir. Lionel de Compostelle.

idée clé n°44 S'interroger

Parviendrons nous à faire de l'interrogation un nouveau chemin, de la chute un pas de danse, de la peur un escalier, du rêve un pont. Fernando Sabino.


En marchant vers Compostelle, ne cherche pas à connaître les réponses, cherche juste à saisir les questions qui se posent à toi. Lionel de Compostelle.


Accepter de suivre le chemin de l'incertitude est la plus grande preuve de confiance en soi. Lionel de Compostelle.

idée clé n°45 S'ouvrir

Si tu veux que la vie te sourit, mets toi en chemin et fais le premier pas vers la bonne humeur. Lionel de Compostelle.


Ce n'est pas en t'enfermant dans ta coquille comme une huître que tu deviendras une perle dans la vie. Lionel de Compostelle.


Faire le chemin de Compostelle, c'est passer de soi à soi en passant par les autres. Lionel de Compostelle 

idée clé n°46 Semer

On peut marcher aussi loin que l'on veut, on ne pourra jamais échapper à son ombre. Lionel de Compostelle.


Sur ton chemin sème ce que tu es et deviens ce que tu rêves. Lionel de Compostelle.

Ne vas pas là où le sentier peut mener, vas plutôt où il n'y a pas de chemin et laisse une trace. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

idée clé n°47 Percevoir

Sur ton chemin, veille à ce que tes rêves soient suffisamment grands pour ne pas les perdre de vue et les atteindre. Lionel de Compostelle.


Sur ton chemin, rappelle toi que c'est au cœur de la nuit la plus sombre qu'on voit le mieux les étoiles. Lionel de Compostelle.


Sans foi, on est comme aveugle sur un chemin pourtant d'une grande beauté, plein de lumière et de couleurs. Jiddu Krishnamurti.

idée clé n°48 Réussir

Il faut parfois avoir connu l'échec pour oser prendre le risque de faire ce que l'on aime vraiment. Lionel de Compostelle.

Le seul véritable exploit de la vie est finalement de ne pas fuir en chemin devant soi. Lionel de Compostelle.

Lorsqu'on marche à la poursuite de ses rêves, souvent les montagnes se transforment en collines. Lionel de Compostelle.

idée clé n°49 S'enrichir

Le vrai luxe sur le chemin de Saint Jacques de Compostelle, c'est de ne pas avoir besoin de grand chose pour vivre. Lionel de Compostelle.


Le vrai bonheur ne dépend d'aucune richesse extérieure. Il ne dépend que de notre être intérieur. Dalaï Lama, Gyatso Tenzin. 


La compassion est le chemin qui mène à la véritable richesse celle du cœur et de l'esprit. Lionel de Compostelle.

idée clé n°50 Se diriger

Si vous ne savez pas quelle direction prendre, laissez faire le chemin ... Il a toujours raison, croyez-moi !!! Lionel de Compostelle.

Si tu ne trouves pas le bon chemin, alors force le destin et trace le toi-même. Lionel de Compostelle.


Tracer et suivre son propre chemin est le plus long et courageux des voyages. Lionel de Compostelle.

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Buen camino :-)

Lionel de Compostelle

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