Legend or historical reality,
the way to Compostela
has not lost its magic
(subtitles in
8 languages)

Who was Saint-James really?
From the discovery of the tomb of Saint-Jacques to the first pilgrims, I invite you here to discover the history of the roads to Compostela.
They are traveledtoday, by more and more people, believings orno and it would be a shame not to be interestedr to their origins.
For centuries, thousands of people have taken these paths through theFrench, Spanish and Portuguese regions. They attract both pilgrims and hikers thanks to their diversity, the richness of the heritage and the the beauty of the landscapes crossed.
The Ways of Santiagowere also designated "European Cultural Route" in 1987 by the Council of Europe.
On December 2, 1998, UNESCO also inscribed the paths of SSantiago de Compostela in France on the World Heritage List in the form of a selection of71 monuments and 7 sections of trail testifying to the spiritual and material aspects of the pilgrimage.
Even if some still wonder about the burial place and the real presence of the remains of the body of Saint-Jacques to Compostela, the magic of the path still operates.
Many people testify to this: "we leave as a hiker and then we come back as a pilgrim". The word pilgrimage comes from the Latin per ager (across fields) or per eger (border crossing).
As the French writer so aptly put it Jean-Christophe Rufin, "the path will transform you despite yourself", passing from one belief to another, opening you up to other horizons, youconnecting to sacred places (chapels, rivers, forests,mountains) and finally to your own nature.
I hope my videos, you will to make up your own mind about what is legend and history. I do not claim to hold the (only) truth.
To learn more about the history of ce pilgrimage, I invite you to click on the videos below.
Buen camino :-)
Lionelof Compostela
How would Saint-James have died?
Via Podiensis, Via Turonensis,
Via Lemovicensis ... what is the
French way of pilgrimage
the oldest ?
Presentation of Via Podiensis
or way of Puy-en-Velay
Presentation of Via Turonensis
or Tours route
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