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My Saint james
way part 3   


Camino Vasco
del interior
(Spanish Basque mountains)

TEASER Chemin de Saint-Jacques : camino vasco del interior d'Hendaye / Irun à Burgos en Espagne, traversée du Pays basque

After borrowing theGR 10 from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Hendaye  through the Pyrenees, I decided to continue my journey by following the Spanish inland Basque path from the city of Irun, given thebeauty of its landscapes and its rich historical past. 

It is certainly one of the oldest pilgrimage routes in the Iberian Peninsula. Originally it was an old Roman road which had been used in the Middle Ages to create a new, safer route, thus avoiding the dangers of attacks by enemy peoples, very present on the northern path.more exposed on the Atlantic coast. 

At that time between the 10th and 13th centuries, the inland Basque way was therefore one of the best-known routes to reach the city of Santiago de Compostela. Then it fell little by little into oblivion, while the rise of the French way began which still remains today the "royal way" for the majority of the pilgrims throughout the world.


buen camino :-) ✨ ⭐ Lionel de Compostelle 🦋






1- Hendaye - Irun / Hernani

Province of Guipuscoa, Spanish Basque Country, 28 km.

2- Hernani / Iturriotz

Province of Biscay, Spanish Basque Country, 24 km.

3- Iturriotz / Ormaiztegi

Province of Guipuscoa, Spanish Basque Country, 30 km.

4- Ormaiztegi / Agurain Salvatierra

Province of Alava, Spanish Basque Country, 35 km.

5- Agurain Salvatierra / Vitoria Gasteiz

Province of Alava, Spanish Basque Country, 31 km.

6- Vitoria Gasteiz / Estavillo

Province of Alava, Spanish Basque Country, 26 km.

7- Estavillo / Haro,

La Rioja 27 km.

8- Haro / Santa Domingo de la Calzada ,

La Rioja 21 km.

9- Santa Domingo de la Calzada / Belorado

Province of Burgos, Castille y Leon 23 km.

10- Belorado / Atapuerca

Province of Burgos, Castille y Leon 31 km.

11- Atapuerca / Burgos

Province of Burgos, Castille y Leon 22 km.




In order to better estimate the distances   and the differences in height, click on the following link to obtain all the GPS tracks (in GPX format) To view and follow my different hiking routes, then download the free Wikiloc application on your smartphone.

For a first glimpse in pictures of the Camino Vasco del Interior, click on the video below. To see more photos, then go to the section dedicated to the slideshow or to the shared landscape gallery .

You will find on the following page the rest of my alternative route to Compostela, with its step-by-step description and  all my hiking trails seen from the sky .  Soon more ...

So, subscribe to the site here  

or on my Youtube channel.


Buen camino !!!  Lionel of Compostela

site internet Compostelle autrement

© 2024 by Lionel de Compostelle . Translation disclaimer

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