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What to know

before leaving

for St-James way

Info n ° 1- Never without my credential

In the Middle Ages, the bishops issued pilgrims with a certificate which allowed them to travel ...


This document served them as a "pass" on the roads because at that time the controls were frequent for pedestrians. This allowed them to be exempt from certain transit taxes and to find hospitality more easily in the lodgings.


Today it is still an accreditation card , which is also called a “ pilgrim's notebook ”, on which accommodation managers, tourist offices, town halls, churches, shops or even the gendarmerie can affix. a stamp attesting to your passage through the various stages. On arrival, the pilgrim will be able, thanks to this document, to justify all the progress made and thus obtain in Santiago his pilgrim's diploma, the famous “ Compostela ”.


Due to the limited number of huts (generally only forty), it is often necessary, for long-distance pilgrims, to buy back a credential along the way. Otherwise, you can always staple a loose leaf to provide additional stamps ... The main thing is to always keep the original credential on you, because it is sometimes required to access certain accommodations.


In France and especially in Spain, it is often compulsory to access municipal or association hostels because it is much cheaper than private hostels. You can get it for 5 to 10 euros on the internet or from the many French jacquaires associations or even from certain dioceses.


The credential is a document similar to the credential, except that it is issued by a representative of the Church after an interview, but it is not necessary to be a Christian to request it.

You understood it before preparing your backpack, you must first get the famous sesame.

Les étapes du chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle

Info n ° 2- Never without my Miam Miam Dodo

Become an institution for many pilgrims (used by more than one in two hikers), this guide exists on the Puy path since 1997, on the Spanish section since 2004, on the Arles path since 2006 and on the path Stevenson / chemin de Saint-Gilles since 2009.


It is thanks to Miam Miam Dodo, a true pilgrim's bible, that I understood that my dream of going one day on the ways to Compostela could quickly become a reality. In 2013, I realized that embarking on an adventure was now possible and within everyone's reach.

More than a topo-guide, it was very useful for me to prepare my stages according to my choices, my comfort requirements, my budget, but especially thanks to the different levels of difficulty and altitude curves indicated on each card.

You will find a very complete description on my blog by clicking on the following link:

Le guide officiel du pèlerin
le guide officiel du pèlerin

Info n ° 3- watch out for these little animals

Ever heard of bed bugs ?

There are more and more of them. Worldwide, reported cases of infestation are on the rise: in the New York subway, in hotels in Paris (1/3 are affected), in restaurants, libraries, trains, cinemas… These unwanted guests are traveling in our luggage and clothing, feed on our blood while we sleep and take hold at lightning speed or in our hiking bags, clothing, so much so that we quickly face a bedbug infestation at home. oneself and that it can quickly become a real ordeal ...

If you are a fan of stopover lodges in the mountains or on the way to Santiago, you might one day come across them !!! Type out of curiosity "bedbug bite" on google and click on the corresponding images, then you will take the above information seriously ...

Adventure yes, but if possible without bedbugs ... :-)

Like me, have you ever found any on your way?

Conseil pratique sur les chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle

Info n ° 4- Donativo? Quésaco?

According to a tradition of hospitality specific to the spirit of pilgrimages, host families can accommodate you and offer you meals in exchange for free financial participation .


This reception is called "donativo". It can be done in lodges, guest rooms.


The donativos constitute a sort of historical reminder of what must be, in my opinion, the spirit of the Saint-James way. When the first pilgrims set out, they were going to knock on doors to find a family willing to offer hospitality for the night. At the time this was not done for free, but it was not a question of money: it was an exchange of good and loyal service.


Today, it is for each pilgrim to pay at the end of his stay what is in their eyes a reasonable price in relation to their budget. Walking the Saint-James Way for more than a month can quickly become a very expensive adventure if you don't pay attention to daily expenses.


Donativo is therefore an economically interesting solution, but it is also a principle of charity and solidarity. It is therefore normal that we find this practice of Donativo in Christian receptions, in churches, convents and monasteries. Municipalities in France offer lodgings (albergues in Spain) at very affordable prices.

I will prepare new information and advice for you very soon. In the meantime, you can click below on the selection of 9 inspiring films to watch before leaving for Santiago de Compostela.

9 films inspirants pour se mettre en marche

More videos on my You Tube account 

site internet Compostelle autrement

© 2024 by Lionel de Compostelle . Translation disclaimer

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