Click on the titles of the five key ideas below to see my personal development videos, inspired by my way of Saint James, rich in teachings about life, myself and others.
"We are all explorers in search of ourselves." Lionel de Compostelle.
"To ascend you must first descend into yourself." Voltaire.
"We must be prepared to let go of the life we have imagined along the way in order to live the life that awaits us here and now." Joseph Campbell.
"We sometimes meet our destiny by paths we take to avoid it." Jean de La Fontaine.
"Life is a bridge crosses it, but don't stop halfway, because there are too many people there." Sainte Catherine de Sienne.
“Never ask someone who knows your way for directions, for you will run the risk of not getting lost.” Nahman de Bratslav.
"The path to normality is a paved road, we walk easily but we leave no trace." Vincent Van Gogh.
"Walk on the road to Saint James not to escape life but so that life does not escape you." Lionel de Compostelle.
"The best way is to prove to yourself how free you are. There is no happiness without freedom, nor freedom without courage." Lionel de Compostelle.
"Along the way, the poor live in expectation of wealth, the rich in paradise, while the wise only aspire to peace of mind."Swami Rama.
"There is no way to find happiness, it is the way that is happiness dawning under our feet." Lao-Tseu.
"If you don't cultivate happiness along the way how do you want it to grow in you?" Lionel de Compostelle.
"Happiness is not sought, we meet it on the way because happiness is the other." Lionel de Compostelle.
On this long path, your small steps like the waves of the ocean will draw their strength from their perseverance. Lionel de Compostelle.
Our greatest victory is not to never fall on the way, but to get up every time. Nelson Mandela.
When the path becomes difficult, do like the oak tree, which develops deeper roots when a storm comes. Lionel de Compostelle.