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Saint-James, the way of life: five key ideas to share (clips 1 to 5)

Updated: Jul 3, 2021

Click on the titles of the five key ideas below to see my personal development videos, inspired by my way of Saint James, rich in teachings about life, myself and others.

- "To discover new lands, you must first have the courage to move away from the shore." André Gide.

- "It is not the purpose of the walk that is important, but the small steps that lead to it." Chinese proverb.

- "We never go as far as when we do not know where we are going." Christophe Colomb.

- “Having faith is like going up the first step when you can't see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King.

- "First believe in yourself and you will have traveled half the way. Then follow your dreams, they know the road by heart". Lionel de Compostelle.

- "Be yourself, the others are already taken". Oscar Wilde.

"and above all become what you believe." Oprah Winfrey.

- "The greatest traveler is not the one who has circled the world ten times, but the one who has gone around himself once." Gandhi.

- "Nothing costs man to follow the path that leads to himself." Herman Hesse.

- "The journey to Compostela is the only trip the expense of which will make you richer." Lionel de Compostelle.

- "Life will put stones in your path. You decide if you make a wall or a bridge out of it." Coluche.

- "When we walk alone, we go quickly but when we walk together we go further." African proverb.

- "The only real journey is not to go to new landscapes, but to have other eyes." Marcel Proust.

- "Better to limp on the right path than to run on the wrong road." Saint-Augustin.

- "Walking towards Compostela is the best way to get lost in order to find oneself better." Lionel de Compostelle.

- "You know you're on the right track when looking back doesn't interest you anymore." Lionel de Compostelle.

Publication to share without moderation on your social networks :-)

Buen camino !!!

Lionel de Compostelle


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